Undoing my hard work
If I wasn’t considered a rakish man before, I sure as honk am one now!
All my lovely piles of leaves needed to be gathered up and dropped in the big ‘ol dumpster. To accomplish this, if you can’t tell from the image, involved manually using a rake and repiling the leaves onto a tarp. The tarp is then dragged, by the lawnmower, and the leaves deposited by the dumpster.
Rinse and repeat until all the piles have been relocated.
The TONKA truck would then scoop the leaves up and deposit them into the dumpster; and while this was going on, it was up to me and my ol’ friend the rake to gather up the rogue leaves for easy scooping.
My shoulders were some glad when we were finished with all that and lunch was extra yum, building off the morning’s accomplishments.