Cannabal Urges

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Well after… a few months away I’ve swung back around to get the Colonel back online, so I can bring it to the Ag Display I’m going to be working at for the next couple of weeks only to discover that google unleashed a massive upgrade across their development platform which not only renamed things, but also changed how apps communicate with the google platform - including the spreadsheet I was uploading my data to.

Further complicating things, I discovered yesterday that all of the links, forums, tutorials and sensor resources I’d been saving to the “pinboard” in my browser (instead of a traditional “bookmark”) have evaporated… so aside from a few PDFs I ran and some rogue bits of code that I saved into the Arduino sketchbook, I’m back to square 1.

Silver lining: At least when I tested them, I can still connect to the web portal, and the pumps still work… the relay controlling them needs some work however - I think I wired it up backwards so the pumps run when the Arduino pin generates a LOW instead of HIGH. That should at least be easy to test and fix.

Guess I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow…