Cannabal Urges

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onto the google code

I’ve taken a look through the code, and I’ve been able to find where the spreadsheet headers are generated, so I updated the program to include accurate column titles for the data being posted.

While I wasn’t able to figure out how to squeak in a time/date stamp into the body of the spreadsheet, I do have a reference to the last time that the Colonel connected to the internet. Its not a great record mind you, as it overwtites itself with every fresh connection to the sheet.

// Created by Sujay S. Phadke, 2017
// All Rights Reserved.
// Github:
// Read/Write to Google Sheets using REST API.
// Can be used with ESP8266 & other embedded IoT devices.
// Use this file with the ESP8266 library HTTPSRedirect

// doGet() and doPost() need the spreadsheet ID. Cannot use "active spreadsheet" here since
// the device can operate without the spreadsheet even being open.

// Similar API docs:

// Things to remember with getValue() object format:
// 1. Partial dates or times-only will be replaced with a full date + time, probably in the
// year 1989. Like this: Sat Dec 30 1899 08:09:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
// 2. Dollar ($) currency symbol will be absent if cell contains currency.
// This may be locale-dependent.
// 3. Scientific notation will be replaced by decimal numbers like this: 0.0000055
// Script examples

var SS = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1TWrkf-qa-yVmWxyPznNqKau1OIfz7jOVwwC_dQdxMuk'); //Enter Your Sheet ID Got From Sheet URL Link

var sheet = SS.getSheetByName('Data'); // Enter your sheet name here, In my case it is TempSheet

var str = "";

function onOpen(){
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Clear', 'Clear')

function Clear(){
sheet.deleteRows(4, sheet.getLastRow());
SS.toast('Chart cleared', 'ESP8266_Temp_Logger', 5);

function doPost(e) {
var parsedData;
var result = {};
try {
parsedData = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Error in parsing request body: " + f.message);

if (parsedData !== undefined){
// Common items first
// data format: 0 = display value(literal), 1 = object value
var flag = parsedData.format;
if (flag === undefined){
flag = 0;
switch (parsedData.command) {
case "appendRow":
var tmp = SS.getSheetByName(parsedData.sheet_name);
var nextFreeRow = tmp.getLastRow() + 1;
var dataArr = parsedData.values.split(",");

str = "Success";
return ContentService.createTextOutput(str);
} // endif (parsedData !== undefined)
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Error! Request body empty or in incorrect format.");

function doGet(e){
var val = e.parameter.value;
var cal =;
var read =;
var now = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "EST", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm a'Z'").slice(11,19);

if (cal !== undefined){
return ContentService.createTextOutput(GetEventsOneWeek());
if (read !== undefined){
return ContentService.createTextOutput(sheet.getRange('A1').getValue());
if (e.parameter.value === undefined)
return ContentService.createTextOutput("No value passed as argument to script Url.");
var range = sheet.getRange('A1');
var retval = range.setValue(val).getValue();

if (retval == e.parameter.value)
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Successfully wrote: " + e.parameter.value + "\ninto spreadsheet.");
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Unable to write into spreadsheet.\nCheck authentication and make sure the cursor is not on cell 'A1'." + retval + ' ' + e.parameter.value);

function GetEventsOneWeek(){
var Cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarsByName('Test REST API')[0];
// Need to create 2 separate Date() objects. Cannot do 'OneWeekFromNow = Nowjs' to
// simply get it's value and use that later without modifying 'Now'
// since in JS, an object is automatically passed by reference
var Now = new Date();
var OneWeekFromNow = new Date();
OneWeekFromNow.setDate(Now.getDate() + 7);
var events = Cal.getEvents(Now, OneWeekFromNow);
var str = '\nEvent Title,\tDescription,\tRecurring?,\tAll-day?,\tFirst Reminder (in minutes before event)\n';
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
str += events[i].getTitle() + ',\t' + events[i].getDescription() + ',\t' + events[i].isRecurringEvent() + ',\t' + events[i].isAllDayEvent() + ',\t' + events[i].getPopupReminders()[0];
str += '\n';
return str;

(Thank you for your code, Sujay S. Phadke!)

It was around here that I saw the reference to the comma being used as a delimiter…

Renaming the headers, and seeing if the references I saw to (now) can be used to add a timestamp to the sheet.

I’m not entirely sure that this “GetEventsOneWeek()” section of code, regarding Calendars and plans is actually relevant for the project. As difficult as it is to let it go, I’ll have to take a poke at that later, when I have a bit more time on my hands for R&D.

Now that I have data coming across to a spreadsheet, I want to get the information posted to the site… I saw some chart functionality in a sub menu somewhere… I’m going to use that as my starting point