Props, Charles!
Today I sealed a couple of my exposed wire connections with some shrink tube, and cleaned up the connections for the phone line going into the Uno.
However, before I could start, there was something important that I needed to take care of. You see, when I set up my third hand to hold the wires in place while I worked the heat gun, I couldn’t help but notice the resemblance between it, and a little man, holding his arms up in victory… so I gave him a much needed face, named him ‘Charles” and got to work.
Credit where credit is due, Charles was a great help, and I’m glad to have him on the team!
Not only here with my phone lines, but also when I needed to repair the string of neopixels.
The short explanation is that I accidentally connected the pixels to the NodeMCU’s 3v output instead of the Uno’s 5v output… something I didn’t realize until testing, when I the blues wouldn’t light… and being fairly fragile, the string didn’t survive the disconnect.
Charles hamming it up with a victory pose