Cannabal Urges

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Giving it something to “think” about…

After successfully getting data posted by building off of the tutorial I found on ProjectHub (Thanks again Ishan Ajay), I thought I’d take a look at the code for the google ap/script that had uploaded into the spreadsheet to see if I can figure out what its doing (and how) and see if I can’t tailor the spreadsheet to include a date and more than 2 data sources.

When I first looked at the code (google uses JavaScript) to update what needed to be updated prior to uploading, I saw some references to the google calendar which didn’t seem to go anywhere.
It looks like this tutorial sketch I found (sketch is the proper term for an Arduino program) might have been repurposed from another sketch that was used for making updates to Google’s calendar. Ha ha, you never know what you’re going to find when looking at code!

Seeing the string of code pulling a current date/time stamp is already in there, it couldn’t possible be difficult to activate / include, could it?
Nah… Famous last words or not, it couldn’t possibly take more than 20 minutes….

On the more pipe-dreamier side of things, while the Arduino itself has no innate clock feature built into it, I should be able to “fake it” if I can pull the data/time string from google and upload it into the Arduino… applying a counter to the uploaded number would keep time accurate… and for an extra redundancy I could have it check/update the timestamp when it logs into google… providing I can download that data.

Without getting ahead of myself, I can see how being able to read data from a spreadsheet will open up a whole new world of possibilities, as that means I should be able to reprogram or update the Arduinos through the spreadsheet without necessarily needing to connect them to a PC. I’ll add that to the bells and whistles / wish list next to the ability to midi (music) files when coming online/as an alert.