I sense something

Temp/Humidity Sensor

Now that the Colonel is connected and posting data, I took a moment to tidy up the computers a little. I now have both the Uno and NodeMCU on the same proto-board, which will make them a lot easier to work with. It also looks one honk of a lot better… well it did until I started adding more wires to the equation…

It turns out that I had a temperature/humidity sensor tucked away in a tutorial pack of 37 assorted sensors that I picked up years ago.

I just tested it out, and it works just dandy on the Arduino, so, now updating my previous code to include it with my TDS data.
Hopefully it doesn’t take too long…


Part time mad scientist, gardener, tinker and dreamer.


Running lines and going from 2 to 1


Giving it something to “think” about…