Happy find in the script
In order to connect the data coming off the Colonel to the spreadsheet, I need to include a piece of script in the spreadsheet to act as a go-between. Somewhere in these strings of letters and numbers lays the instructions that outlines what information is supposed to go where on the spreadsheet.
Having never worked with javascript before in my life, prior to this project, I was more than a little happy to see that I was able to make some sense of what the app was trying to do as I read through the commands on my screen. It may not look like much, but when I saw references to the character string “,” being used as a delimiter by the App it gave me a moment of hope… maybe, if I changed the delimiter that was using to “,'“ when I hand my sensor data from the Uno to the NodeMCU, I could just push that same string of characters across and have google break the code into its corresponding 3 buckets after the info is received, instead of having the NodeMCU break the data into 3 parts and recombine them into something google likes prior to sending,.
I tested this out last night before bed. and I’m happy to say that it mostly worked, and I’m now intermittently uploading TDS, Temperature and Humidity info to my spreadsheet. There seem to be some kind of buffer size conflict that I’m going to need to deal with… but its working when the data conforms to what the program is looking for. (I think its the hard return has come back and is making my life miserable again)
Hopefully having morning fresh eyes, mind, and coffee with help me see what I didn’t last night.