Cannabal Urges

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Looking for a DAC

I’ve downloaded the source code for, and have been reading up on what it would take to build a voice synthesizer for the Colonel.
I don’t know if I’ve misread it, or missed something but it looks like a crazy easy set-up.
On the hardware side, apparently all I need is something called a DAC (Digital to Analog converter) to act as a bridge between the NodeMCU (the wifi chip) and the speaker.
Planning ahead… If for some reason the DAC interferes with my internet connection or anything else the Colonel is doing, I do have 2 additional NodeMCUs in reserve, and can use one of those to run as a wifi voice box mounted to the wall over my TV.
Actually… the more I think about it, the more I like that idea… maybe see what other functionality I can put into it.

Before I can start working on this build, I need to get my hands on a DAC.
Unfortunately I neither have nor have the parts to build a DAC, so I checked with my local hobby shop’s website and saw they were selling one for $5 (regular $8.50), so I rummaged up a handful of change and ran out to buy one… and discovered the location had closed. Disappointed, but undaunted when I got home I took a look at what the ‘zon had by way of components, saw they were selling a 4-pack of DAC for $20, and placed my order. I’ll have my parts by 10PM today.