Crop Update: Week 1
On Jan 5th, I started 2 hydroponic beds with mustard seed; 1 passive and 1 active.
Grow-Cups were loaded with a Pro-Mix soilless growing medium, that was enriched with Mycorrhizae.
Growing Solution was made using a 50% strength mix of a water-soluble 18-18-21 Miracle Gro "for tomato, fruit and vegetableā.
The solution in the Colonel had a few drops of an organic kelp liquid fertilizer added as well.
At time of creation the Grow solution in the Colonel was rated:
pH: 7.7
TDS: 200ppm
EC 480
The first batch (A) of 7 were planted in grow-cups, in the Colonel
A plastic sheet was placed/tented over the Downspout providing 24^C ambient temp, and 72% humidity
The second batch (B) of 5 were planted in cups in a crappy old camping cooler I converted into a (passive) Kratky system.
The Kratky was not covered, and was growing in 23^C / 62% humidity
Both beds were planted on Jan 5
By Jan 7 (2 days later) 6/7 cups in the Colonel, and 5/5 cups from the Kratky had sprouted.